KH-7 with sport
The activity of KH Lloreda has always been closely linked to its closest environment and has therefore collaborated giving support to many entities in the educational, social, cultural and sports environment.
But it is specially in the sports field where, in recent years, the company’s commitment has increased, not only maintaining collaboration with important local entities such as the Granollers Handball team or La Mitja de Granollers, but expanding to the whole territory.
And the strong involvement of KH Lloreda through its brand KH-7 in the sports world is due to the coincidence of the principles that it defends: teamwork, effort, eagerness for self-improvement and passion.
Currently, one of the company’s most significant commitments is directly related to motor sports, as it accompanies pilots such as Isidre Esteve, or the Epsilon Team.
Popular races such as Eternal Running, The Color Run, Nocturna Sevilla or La Mitja Marató among others are unavoidable appointments in KH7’s calendar.
The company has recently started an adventure in the world of cycling with the Esteve KH7 Team and the Santander Triathlon Series Triathlon circuit.